Launching the Blog and Newsletter

My Newsletter and Blog

Author: Pastor Owen Williams
April 04, 2023

Hello to all of my friends, family, and colleagues.

You and I have, in recent times, directly and or indirectly been at the forefront and helped shape many groundbreaking events for the betterment of communities. Whether they were dealing with issues of mental health, crime and violence, community health, infant mortality, hunger, education, and the like, I  would like to use this opportunity to invite you to join my newsletter to be started with the launch of my upcoming book American Christianity Black Liberation White Legalism. The newsletter will allow us to go beyond our community limits and take our collective strength to liberate minds globally that find themselves shackled in discouragement and despair due to the onslaught of life issues of caste, class, and stigma as it relates to finances, identity, race, gender, and faith. 

Click here to join or copy-paste this link to your browser:


Pastor Owen Williams.



In these difficult times that we find ourselves traveling through, where our eyes and ears see and hear the sufferings of so many from heartbreaking losses, where Grief, Discouragement, Depression and Doubt has taken root in the lives of millions. We asked ourselves "how can I help? What can I do? The Lords answer to us is simple "Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul and mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself". Beloved small acts of kindness towards the stranger is all that is needed to begin to rebuild the community, the church and the person. 1 Peter 3:8 "Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. God bless you and thank you for your sacrificial gift.
